There are DAY TIME and NIGHT TIME tram lines.
Apartment is between 2 tram stations:
* main square Trg bana Jelačića
* Frankopanska Street.
All information's are available on Zet.hr

There are DAY TIME and NIGHT TIME bus lines.
Connects the areas of the City of Zagreb, Velika Gorica and Zaprešić, with organized passenger transport services provided in the municipalities of Bistra, Luka and Stupnik.
All information's are available on Zet.hr

On Tomićeva street (apartment street)
Cable car for the Upper Town is the oldest means of transport of the organized public transport in Zagreb. It connects the Lower and the Upper Town.
The Zagreb funicular is the shortest ride in the world with the length of the track of just 66 meters. Since it has kept till today its original appearance, construction and the most of the original technical characteristics, the Zagreb cable car is under protection as a cultural monument.
All information's are available on Zet.hr

The new Sljeme cable car connects Gračansko dolje with the peak of Sljeme, via Brestovac where the intermediate station is located.
The cable car air route is about 5km long and to its passengers offers an impressive view of Zagreb and its surroundings.
The elevation distance between the lower and upper station is 754 meters. The ride takes 16 minutes.
All information's are available on Zet.hr
The apartment is in the city centre walking zone, but there are secured public garages for visitors.
Parking garage Tuškanac
Tuškanac 1b, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
8 minutes of walking to the apartment. 13,30€ per day, 47,00€ per week, 133,00€ per month.
PAY TO PARKING STAFF in advance ON ARRIVAL for daily, weekly, or monthly ticket!
Free city parking is hard to find in the city centre.
Most of the free city parking is used by residents with permits from the City government.
To get permanent you need to be a full-time resident!
Parking garage Cvjetni
Varšavska ul. 13, 10000, Zagreb
1 minute of walking to the apartment, 2,40€ per hour, 30,00€ per day, 110,00€ per week, 360,00€ per month.
Inform yourself at the parking garage about daily, weekly, or monthly tickets!